Rev. G.A. Christie Rev. Stanley Prince Rev. G.A. Christie D.D . (1937-1943) Rev. Christie was born in Couva, Trinidad to missionaries who worked there. He was educated in Halifax where he stud¬ ied at Dalhousie University and Pine Hill Divinity College. He was ordained in 1905. Rev. Christie was sec¬ retary to Maritime Conference at the time of Church Union . He ministered to the congregation in Lot 16 from 1937 until 1943. He was elected president of Maritime Conference in 1943. During his distinguished career with the church, Rev. Christie studied in Germany, lectured at the Robertson Memorial Lectures, became a member of the Board of Governors of Pine Hill Divinity College, and a member of the Senior Advisory Committee. He received an honourary Doctor of Divinity Degree from . The Christies had four children: Ruth (Booth- royd), Anna, Clarence, and Rev. Howard who taught school in Lot 16 . Rev. G.A. Christie died in Harvey, New Brunswick , in 1970 at the age of ninety years. Rev. A.S. Murray (1943-1945) No information available. Dr. Stanley R . Prince (1946-1951) Dr. Prince was born in Nauwegewauk, New Brunswick in 1885, the son of Charles and Mary (Gilleland) Prince . His fam¬ ily made its home in Saint John, New Brunswick . Prince was educated at Saint John High School, . Allison University, and Pine Hill Divinity College. He attended Philadelphia School of Oratory where he received his Bachelor of Oratory and Union Theological Seminary in Richmond , Virginia where he earned his Doctor of Theol¬ ogy. He was ordained in 1917. He married Maude Elizabeth (Betty) Curry. Dr. Prince ministered in Lot 16 from 1946 until 1951. While in Waterville, Nova Scotia , he was instru¬ mental in building a new church and organizing the largest Young People 's group in Presbytery. Dr. Prince loved to write and enjoyed a game of checkers with the local check¬ er players. After fifty years of service in the church, Dr. and Mrs. Prince retired to Saint John in 1966. 116 United Church and Its People