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new oil stove and heating system, little did we know that the system would awaken us abruptly at 5:00 AM. because it had been left on high and backed up the water system! A quick trudge to Arch MacGregor’s brought a response, (at that point we hadn’t mastered the telephone systeml). The snow was falling, and we soon became used to the sight, growing appreciative of it along with spring red mud.
In those first weeks there was much adjusting to be done. Our son, Glyn, started school and found that he was included in the Christmas Concert. Then there was Christmas mom- ing breakfast at Arch & Vi’s and the duck and goose for our own Christmas dinner.
February brought a great storm one night which brought the chimney and upstairs balcony down. It was a great sight to see the plow coming through the high snow banks and then Larry Yeo 5 call to meet him at the end of the lane for the latest flavour in ice cream and a carton of eggs this was only one of the many kindnesses that helped us feel at home in the church and community.
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Rev. Frederick Lloyd Born: Tai Bach, Aberavon, South Wales, Military Service: 1941-47, United Kingdom and Italy Education: Paton Congregational College, Nottingham, England, ordained 1952. Charges: South Bar Congregational Church, Lincoln, England Bunyan Meeting Congregational / Baptist Church, Bedford, England Lot 16/ Princetown Cornwall Pastoral Charge, PEI Emmanuel United Church, Sault St. Marie, Ontario Tupperville Pastoral Charge, Tupperville and Salem, Ontario 1989', retired from full-time ministry 1989-99, minister of visitation, Strathroy United Church, Ontario. 1990-2002, Chaplain, Grace Villa Nursing Home, London, Ontario Personal: Married, Barbara Lindsell Children: Glyn, teacher of music and English, Ontario Meryl, teacher of music, Ontario