account of his experience for me and I have been blessed by it
over the years.
I recall Children’s Time at church with the youngster’s wonderful theological insights and their innocence that at times could be a bit of an embarrassment to parents. Some of
The Couples Club was having a social to raise money for the sound system to be installed in Summerset Manor. The whole community was invited. One of the games being played was Rook, a card game played, at that time, by the Baptist people from Belmont. One of the Belmonters encouraged Bill to try the game. “It’s a good Baptist game!” he said.
Bill quipped, “What, do you play it under water?”
those stories are best left out as they usually had a contextual humor that does not shift very well. One thing, however, does stand out in my mind. I believe it was Tyler Yeo who constantly referred to me as “Big Bill” and never ceased to amuse the congregation when he would speak out in church to “Bib Bill” about his wonderful pronouncements on whatever subject we might be discussing. It is strange but, here in Middleton, there was another youngster who was about the same age who referred to me as “The Real Bill” as compared to his grandfather Bill, a carpenter named Bill who worked on their house, and a few other men named Bill who were involved in different aspects of his life.
' Lot 16 is truly one of the best church experi- ences I have had in my ministry. It was a congre- gation with wonderful faith, independence, and determination. I was privileged to have been a part of the spiritual growth of such wonderful people. I will always remember the trip to Darien in U.S.A., the Bible study groups, and the Couples Club we
had. It was a wonderful time in our family’s life and we will be forever thankful for the years we spent with all of you.