Rev. Don MacPherson
things in Sunday School) that they thought the congregation should go down to Sunday School classes while they stayed upstairs with the Minister. We still treasure the crystal heart, their heart, they called it, that they gave us as a parting gift. The activities with the Explorers and the C.G.I.T. We still use the cookbook the Messengers put out in 1988—89 and we still think of the C.G.I.T. Pizza parties usually held at the Millers (Ruth and Doug’s).
The congregational picnics, usually held at one of the cot- tages along the shore, were a real church family time.
Perhaps of most historical significance would be when the desire for all morning worship services on the Pastoral Charge led to a rotation, Paula did one service in every three in Lot 16 while Russell did the others.
We made many good friends during our time among you.
Rev. Don MacPherson, Minister from 1989 — current
May 19, 1989 was the weekend the MacPherson family ‘came and saw’ our United Church of Canada’s ‘Settlement’ charge — The Bedeque North Pastoral Charge’ (we have super eight video of some of the highlights). Winston Yeo, chairperson of some committee, had made visiting arrangements with us. Mary and I, along with two of our children, Jennifer and Michael, lodged at the Linkletter Motel in downtown Summerside on the 19th and 20th.
On the morning of the 19th, Winston toured us around the Charge by visiting each of the congrega- tional churches. In Freetown, we were met by Mrs.]ean Schurman who proudly introduced us to the facility and related wonderful insights about the community. In North Bedeque, we were hosted by Jean Jordan, who toured us around the building and introduced us to some of the memorial aspects of the community (the stained glass win- dows, the pictures of former ministers, etc.). Winston brought us to the Manse where we met the incumbent minister and spouse, Rev. and Mrs. Russell Harding. We were invited into their home and Mary and the children were given a tour while