on various topics and certainly have brought enjoyment to meetings. As well, skits, plays, and Bible quizzes have played an important role.
UCW, over the years, has financially contributed to the church, Sunday School, manse, church parlour, and com- munity. Donations have been given to various organizations and individuals both locally and abroad.
Fundraising projects have been many and included such things as: auctions, suppers, wedding and anniversary cater- ing, bake sales, Thankoffen'ng envelopes, and Regal sales.
Special projects have also been undertaken. In 1982, plates featuring the church were sold proving a very suc- cessful and interesting endeavour. The compi- lation of a church cook- book proved to be a true example of stew- ardship in working together as a group. For many years, the UCW adopted a child through the Christian Children’s Fund. National church government requires funding from local churches to support the Mission and Service
Fund. Lot 16 United
The 40th Anniversary of Lot 16 UCW, November 2002. Church has an alloca- Back row, L-R: Dorothy Madean, Helen Lyle, Lillian LeFurgey, tion of which UCW
Edith MacLean, Bertha MacLaren, Glen Campbell. Middle row: Mary MacLean, Doreen MacLean,Jean Yeo, Vera Forbes, Doris Carr. Front row: Donna Lyle, Edith Yeo.
portion has increased from $286 in 1964, to
Missing fmm photo: Helen Muttart, hostess, $720 in 2000.
The role of the UCW has not changed a great deal over the years. It con- tinues to support the Church, whether by conducting church services, supporting Youth Groups, or donating to the main- tenance of the church building. Lot 16 UCW continues to assist the Prince County Hospital with donations for new