CGIT Pizza Party, 1980. Back row, L—R: Leader

Donna Lyle, Shelley Campbell, Nancy Craig, Debbie Miller, Joan Yeo, Lynne Craig, Patti Ronahan, Valerie Thompson. Middle row: Joanne MacLean, Leader Ruth Miller, Denise MacKinnon, Leah Noye,Joa.n MarLaurin. Front row: Tracey Gamble, Karen Madlean, Lorelie Yeo, Lisa Yeo.

study, camping, Vesper Services, and rallies. Fundraisers included such activ- ities as: ice cream socials, Spring Teas, Coffee Parties, car washes, and Rock-a- thons.

Donations were made to many causes

such as Children’s VVlsh Foundation, Easter Seals, Heart 8: Stroke Founda- tion, adopted Christmas family, Lot 16 United Church Extension Fund, and Belmont Baptist Church.

Although serious things were done, there were fun times as well skating, bowling, camp fires, January beach party, floor hockey, baseball, and activ- ities at the gym. Camping is another great time for the girls.

The followmg excerpt was printed in The journal Pioneer on

Friday, May 12,1961.

The Lot 16 CGIT held their Mother and Daughter banquet in the Hall on Saturday evening with members of the WMS Auxiliary as guests. A delicious repast was served by the girls and their leaders, Mrs. R.E.Johnston and Mrs. WP. Miller. A toast to the Church was proposed by Miss Norma Yeo and responded to by Rev. R.E.Johnston; the toast to the Queen by Miss Anna Monkley; to the Mothers and WMS members by NIiss Joyce McFadden and responded to by Mrs. Clarence Carr; to the leaders by Nliss Donna MacLaren, responded to by Mrs._]ohnston.

Following the banquet, the Auxiliary held its regular meeting with Mrs. Mervin Inman in charge of worship, scripture was read by Mrs. Winfield Gamble, Mrs. Clayton Forbes and Mrs. Jack Yeo..

On behalf of the WMS Auxiliary, a vote of thanks to the girls and their leaders was extended by Mrs. Roger MacLean.

Service closed with the singing of the CGIT Hymn and the lVlizpah
