CGIT Pizza Party, 1980. Back row, L-R: Leader Donna Lyle, Campbell, Nancy Craig , Debbie Miller, Joan Yeo , Lynne Craig, Patti Ronahan, Valerie Thompson . Middle row: Joanne MacLean , Leader Ruth Miller , Denise MacKinnon, Leah Noye , Joan MacLaurin . Front row: Tracey Gamble, Karen MacLean , Lorelie Yeo, Lisa Yeo . study, camping, Vesper Services, and rallies. Fundraisers included such activ¬ ities as: ice cream socials, Spring Teas, Coffee Parties, car washes, and Rock-a- thons. Donations were made to many causes such as Children 's Wish Foundation, Easter Seals , Heart & Stroke Founda¬ tion, adopted Christmas family, United Church Extension Fund, and Belmont Baptist Church. Although serious things were done, there were fun times as well — skating, bowling, camp fires, January beach party, floor hockey, baseball, and activ¬ ities at the gym. Camping is another great time for the girls. The following excerpt was printed in "The Journal Pioneer on Friday, May 12, 1961. -;#^£- The Lot 16 CGIT held their Mother and Daughter banquet in the Hall on Saturday evening with members of the WMS Auxiliary as guests. A delicious repast was served by the girls and their leaders, Mrs. R.E. Johnston and Mrs. W.R Miller . A toast to the Church was proposed by Miss Norma Yeo and responded to by Rev. R.E. Johnston ; the toast to the Queen by Miss Anna Monkley ; to the Mothers and WMS members by Miss Joyce McFadden and responded to by Mrs. Clarence Carr ; to the leaders by Miss Donna MacLaren, responded to by Mrs. Johnston . Following the banquet, the Auxiliary held its regular meeting with Mrs. Mervin Inman in charge of worship, scripture was read by Mrs. Winfield Gamble , Mrs. Clayton Forbes and Mrs. Jack Yeo . . . . On behalf of the WMS Auxiliary, a vote of thanks to the girls and then- leaders was extended by Mrs. Roger MacLean . Service closed with the singing of the CGIT Hymn and the Mizpah Benediction. 170 United Church and Its People