Bertha MacLaren were joined at the front of the church by their children Darrell and Donna Lyle respectively, grand- children Carol Lyle, Ellyn Lyle,_]ulie (Greg) Compton, and great‘grandchildren Tanner and Alex Compton. Neil MacGregor gave a summary of a sermon preached by his great great-grandfather, Rev. William MacGregor, prior to 1841, and then the Rev. Don MacPherson used the same text, Genesis 32: 17,18, 20— 30 to deliver the sermon “A Fearful Faith.”

Greetings were brought from a number of past min- isters, surrounding churches, Prince Edward Island Presbytery, and Prince Edward Island United Church Women. At the conclusion of the service, a luncheon and fellowship hour was held.

Rev. Don

MacPherson at

125th Anniversary Service.

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Lenten Fire, 2002

The Sunday following the 125th Anniversary service, Feb. 17, held its own excitement. Rev. Charles Wagner, Chaplain at Prince County Hospital, Summerside was officiating. The Lenten candles on the Communion Table had been lighted. As Rev. Wagner delivered his sermon a buzz began among those seated near the front of the church. Did they smell smoke?

Suddenly flames erupted from the thorn wreath holding the Lenten can- dles. Craig Yeo and Brian Lewis jumped from their seats and were joined at the Communion Table by choir member Ruth Miller. They successfully cmPlOyed a hymn book to extinguish the fire, and Craig rushed the smoul- dcfing remains outdoors to a snowbank.

Dale Muttart claims the fire was caused by the ‘fire and brimstone’ ser- mon. One of the symbols on the United Church Crest is the burning bush, and a hope was expressed that the flames of the fire reflected the fire in the hearts 0f the congregation, the burning bush that w0uld not be consumed.