Bertha MacLaren were joined at the front of the church by their children Darrell and Donna Lyle respectively, grand¬ children Carol Lyle , Ellyn Lyle, Julie ( Greg ) Compton, and great-grandchildren Tanner and Alex Compton . Neil MacGregor gave a summary of a sermon preached by his great great-grandfather, Rev. William MacGregor , prior to 1841, and then the Rev. Don MacPherson used the same text, Genesis 32: 17,18, 20- 30 to deliver the sermon "A Fearful Faith." Greetings were brought from a number of past min¬ isters, surrounding churches, Presbytery, and United Church Women . At the conclusion of the service, a luncheon and fellowship hour was held. Rev. Don MacPherson at 125th Anniversary Service. .........s™™™.......:'teS:;Li:, . ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■?:::■:■,. ""% Lenten Fire, 2002 The Sunday following the 125th Anniversary service, Feb. 17, held its own excitement. Rev. Charles Wagner , Chaplain at Prince County Hospital, Summerside was officiating. The Lenten candles on the Communion Table had been lighted. As Rev. Wagner delivered his sermon a buzz began among those seated near the front of the church. Did they smell smoke? Suddenly flames erupted from the thorn wreath holding the Lenten can¬ dles. Craig Yeo and Brian Lewis jumped from their seats and were joined at the Communion Table by choir member Ruth Miller . They successfully employed a hymn book to extinguish the fire, and Craig rushed the smoul¬ dering remains outdoors to a snowbank. Dale Muttart claims the fire was caused by the 'fire and brimstone' ser¬ mon. One of the symbols on the United Church Crest is the burning bush, and a hope was expressed that the flames of the fire reflected the fire in the hearts of the congregation, the burning bush that would not be consumed. 193 Days of Celebration