William had a family of four, three daughters and a son, James, who married Angelina Gorrill . The young couple lived on the farm until it was sold to the present owners in 1950. James then moved to the house at the top of now lived in by and Patricia Jackson ( Matt Gamble property). James and Lina had twin sons, Ernest and Albert, who died in infancy and are buried in Lot 16 United Church Cemetery . Their son, Elton, a medical doc¬ tor, lives in Florida , USA. Dr. and Mrs. Higgins have been friends of the church for many years. The body of their son, James, was entrusted to the care of United Church Cemetery in 2002. Information from "The History of Belmont and Lot 16 United Cemetery records Hutchinson Family History Samuel Hutchinson was a Jesuit priest who, in 1790, was a passenger aboard a ship out of Glasgow, Scodand, bound for Charlottetown . Also aboard the ship was Elizabeth Wilder , the governess for the children of Governor Walter Patterson . Samuel and Elizabeth fell in love and, upon arriv¬ ing in Charlottetown , Samuel gave up the priesthood and went to work on a farm. In 1792, the couple were married in St Paul's Anglican Church in Charlottetown . Although Sam¬ uel gave up the priesthood, he never threw out his priesdy relics. In 1900, when work was being done on his son William's house in Lot 16 , a false wall was found behind which was stored his father's priesdy effects. Samuel and Elizabeth lived in Morell . One day in 1803, a bear attacked Samuel's ox. He and his dog defended and saved the ox but Samuel died two weeks later from wounds inflicted by the bear. Hutchinson family tradition relates that a Charlottetown merchant, John Brecken , helped Elizabeth settle her affairs. She and the her five children returned to England . Mrs. C. N. Bissett writes in An Island Refuge about Brecken: "However, he must have had ties with England because sometime before 1826 he left his business in the hands of his grandsons, John and Ralph Brecken, and sailed for England ." 2 Brecken died in England in 1827. 265 Families associated with United