his rich, colorful history helps explain why Lot 10 United Chu continues to thrive, when other rural churches of similar size have clos or moved. Its pages reveal more than just dates and names —— they illusti this congregations unshakeable beliefin (lod, and in each other, and that great thi

can be accomplished when working together in faith.

This book weaves a tapestry of Lot l() United Church’s growth from its origi Methodist and Presbyterian faiths, in the late 1700s, through to present day. With 0

100 photographs and illustrations, it details the church's leaders, plus its ministi

organists, politicians and congregational families. In a special section, church 111C111l‘,

and past ministers reflect on what Lot 16 United Church has meant to their lives.


“Your community has left an imprint on my ly‘e. You are only a memory and yet you ”I" ”F:

ISBN 0—9734150-0—2

are as the earth beneath myfi’et.

REV. RALPH JOHNSTON, MINISTER 1959-1964 9 780973 415004

.x‘. 54¢“me