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Chapter 4 A Family Celebration

In her book H0p€fl€ld and It; Fund/2'65, Catherine Fraser of Hopefield states, “For most early settlers church worship was an integral part of their very existence. ’5 This statement being accepted, it is difficult to understand why there was not (and IS not) a church 1n Hopefield. Instead, residents of Hopefield travelled on foot or by horse and buggy to outlying areas to attend the church of their choice, whether in Little Sands, \V'ood Islands, Murray River, Caledonia or even further. On occasion, a clergyman from one of those churches would conduct a worship service in the community hall in Hopefield. Frequently, Mr. Louis Harris from Murray Harbour, along with some gospel singers, would hold evening services in the hall.

Despite the scarcity of formal religious ceremonies in his home district, Lorne was christened at four years of age b\ a Presbyterian minister from ( aledonia This celebration took place in the Bonnell family home.

5 Frau/j [7. 33.