89 HestaA . MacDonald Welcome - Bienvenue - jtM- LJdrksj< pares Bnffaloland Pare provincial Buffaloland k: Welcome - Bienvenue parks j spares Pare provincial Wood Islands ".' -,ui Welcome - Bienvenue ^ i tM^ r arks jspares Lord Selkirk Pare provincial Lord Selkirk *> ■;-~. ,' ^ \\, it-.iim i;ii.i fe ( - PI I !!•/ 1 (P'fcs ' pit 11 ,\ I'imlli l'tmimi;il 1'nrli 'f-f.-S. k Pare prm in< i.il Pinvlti %§&6 . 1 ■ ■ *£'•..- . ,- 1 1 1 it'^r^ Welcome - Bienvenue rarks j spares' Kings Castle Pare provincial Kings Castle These signs denote just a few of the Island parks established by Lome Bonnell in his role as Minister of Tourist Development.