209 Hesta A. MacDonald Chapter 46 The Jordan, the West Bank, the - these are names that frequently surface in news reports or on television, but few Canadians have actually visited them; Senator Bonnell is the exception. From February 20th to the 28th, 1986, he led a delegation first there and then to . With him were Bob Pennock, M.P. from Mississauga, Ontario and Terry Clifford , M.P . from , both of whom were in the Brian Mulroney government, and Mrs. Mike Forrestall , whose husband was an M.P . from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia , also in the Mulroney government. Senator Bonnell relates that his Sheikh friend, who was the editor of the parliamentary magazine in Canada , also accompanied them. Their plane landed in Amman, the capital of Jordan, which is near \ the eastern end of the . Jordan is a constitutional monarchy, in which the Prime Minister is appointed by the King. It has an appointed Senate and an elected House of Representatives, both Houses serving a four year term. After the Canadian delegation got settled in Amman, they went out to see the Crown Prince, who was the brother of King Hussein . The Crown Prince was playing polo, and following the game, he took the Canadians to his home where he gave them food and beverages. He told them that he was very interested in establishing a direct flight from Montreal to Amman. He was going to Montreal in the next month or so to arrange for this to happen.