«he history of Cardigan , during the lart few deeadca, han consisted In a reries of significant changes in business and culture laat has changed the complexion of fMa little coarsttnity. the transition that Hae taJcon place haa effected paseaga froa the state of a once popular hi rebuilding and comaercial center to on* of decadence and insignificanoe. Consequently, one wonders, a3 ho enters Cardigan by way of the , how this Tillage a*u« have appeared to the poinoore who inherited it during the last half of the nineteenth century. Although one reallees that the green fertile countryside that now surrounds it ie smoh ■ore beautiful than the thickly wooded area, which exi ted hare during the nineteenth century, ho concludes, never¬ theless, that the activity and nptrit seventy-five year* ago was aueh sore intense and realistic than it ie at the present tlae, tte town Itself contributes greatly to the beauty of the area. In its peaceful and indifferent way, it la content to erve as a small basines» cantor for the surrounding difctrictu. However, it reveal3 little of the history of it people. Pew monuments remain to tell the Jtory of ths=e industrious end siaple folk. Gone are the fishing fiesta, harbors, shipyard , and factories all of which foraed o large n part of the daily lives of the pioneers, ihr Catho¬ lic Church, public cbool, and railway de-ot alone roaain