On October 30, 1967, the year that Canada celebrated its hundredth birthday, since joining Confederation, we had the honor of adding another boy to our family. Blair David our third son, brought our total to five children. This blond, blue eyed boy was the heaviest of them all, and weighed in at 81b. 15 02. He arrived the day before Halloween, so it was one year that he did not need a costume. Blair was a healthy boy and had a good appetite.

When he became a little older, he was always taking something apart and putting it back together. If any one in the family needed help, he was the one to be called upon.

His greatest interest was in driving tractors, trucks or even combines. The bigger the machine, the happier he was. He certainly had no worries when he went to get his driver’s license, for he had been an experienced driver for many years.

Blair loved animals, especially cats. If Blair was missing, just go to the barn where the cats lived, and you would surely find him snuggled down in the hay with a cat. Strange as it might seem, the cats were not given individual names. Some were called mother cat.

Blair was the youngest at home for a few years, so he had the privilege of going places with his father when the others were in school. Consolidation was now in existence, so Blair had the privilege of beginning school in Rollo Bay Consolidated.

After Blair completed High School, he continued on to Holland College where he was enrolled in a mechanical course. He later went on to Hamilton, Ontario where he worked for Kenmore Trucking Co. While there, he obtained his mechanics license.