using a hutch, so they were concerned about the new born in a cold building. Many of the local farmers were fascinated by the calf's progress. The calf was fed Milk Replacer, grain and hay. To our surprise, the calf grew well. It was disease free, and developed into a valuable milk cow. The biggest dilemma that the boys encountered was how to train their calves to show in the ring on Exhibition Day. During the year, it seemed to be the last chore of the day, and one that they often forgot to do. Gary found time to care for his calf, and kept it well fed, and its pen clean, but neglected to work on training the animal for the exhibition. The morning of the big event, Gary was up at dawn, washing and brushing his prized possession. It was a problem to load it on the truck, but once tied, it was quiet. When Joe and Gary arrived at the Exhibition grounds, everything changed. The calf bawled, making such loud noises that the young lads ran for cover. Now to lead it around the ring was something else. If one was interested in taking dancing lessons, that was the place to be, for the calf reared and jumped while performing every kind of step possible. It even managed to step on Gary's foot. The kind judge suggested giving the animal a rest, but that did not work, so Gary pulled the calf profusely, and managed to make the trip around the ring. The next year Gary decided to enroll in the woodworking project. It left him with less headaches. As for us, we felt good about it too. Blair seemed to do a little better with his calf, although the judge did not give him an A+ for his method of parading the calf round the ring either. The 4-H calf had to be a registered Holstein with a name. Blair always like to tease his sister Patsy, and this time was no exception. He called his calf, Patsy, and this calf placed first in her division. When making the announcement, the judge said "Ranking first in the Holstein calf division is Patsy Maclsaac ". Patsy received some teasing from her friends. However she gave Blair a hard time and made him pay for using her name in this way. It made some laughter for us all. 95