GOIN' TO THE CORNER he sold his house to the Church of the Nazarene the congregation had no use for it, so it was sold to Ralph Rennie . It became part of his farm buildings. It is not known if it still stands. It was possibly incorporated into other buildings in the farmyard of Blois and Nola Rennie. PRINCE COUNTY EXHIBITION . The Exhibition began as a livestock show, held in conjunction with the school fair at Elmsdale in 1926. The event was a half-day and its modest beginnings attracted crowds even in the early days. There were prizes for horses, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, turkeys, geese and eggs. In January 1927 the Farmers' Institute called a public meeting to dis¬ cuss the possibility of approaching the government to obtain a grant for a local fair and livestock exhibition. In April 1927 an Act to Incorporate the West Prince Exhibition Association was passed by the Provincial Legislature. The first general meeting of the West Prince Exhibition Association was held at 8:00 p.m. in the public hall at Elmsdale on June 29, 1927. The acting chairman was Anslem D. O' Brien and the secretary was William A. Mc Arthur. The following farmers were chosen as officials and directors for the year: A.D. O' Brien , Elmsdale , president; William A. MacArthur , Dock, secretary-treas- Farmers Move Fur Exhibition in At * public meeting called by the Elmsdale Farmers* Institute on Fri¬ day evening, January 28th* the follow iDMBT resolution was moved* seconded, fully discussed front mil angles and unanimously adopted by the meeting t "Whereas the time %as new arrived when the people of this western part of the Island should gret their just share of* the revenue expended by the 8TOvemment for exhibition purposes; And whereas,;v the. excessive freight charges on our railway prohibit the farmers of the west mad of the Is¬ land from sharfngr in any of the ad - vantages and benefits derived from our Provincial and County Exhibi¬ tions; Therefore Besolved* That we, the members and representatives of the various Farmers* Institutes, assem¬ bled In the Elmsdale Hall, urge upon gut representatives of the 1st and 2nd I>istricts of Prince to obtain from our local government a errant for a local fair and live stock exhibition and competition by the prim winners at the local school fairs to be held lit the fall of 1927 at some central point agreed upon by committees from the different localities. The Island Farmer, Feb. 2,1927 92