A History of Elmsdale, Elmsdale West, and Brockton, Prince Edward Island

rm mam from my , Inn

At Stockton. but i. that am last. In hood you»; sumo, w your» out. Tim '

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km: 13.5! 0.. Amy, in mum“

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JUBN He-‘ARTHY, B M, flit-£111.93

Agriculturist, Aug. 15, 1908

Horse-powered threshing machine at the Robert Williams home, Elmsdale. BACK ROW (1 to r): Ervin Williams, child, DaVld Williams (with beard), child, and Henry Williams. MIDDLE ROW (l to r): John MacNeill (arms behind back), Jack Adams (brother of Daniel), Arthur Williams, Robert Williams (holding pole). FRONTROW (l to r): Spurgeon Williams, and

George Williams

kit w t an «arm. ,

Farm for Sale

1 will tell my farm containing: 1.50 acre-s of gOod land, Well fenced and good buildings. Thirsty» viz» acres all. ready" for seed. About tl‘ir'eo miles from Elmsdale and about one half mile from Piusv‘ille. near churches and schools. JOHN '1‘... HENDERSON, Elmsdale

The Island Farmer, April 2, 1913


Faye Murray C011.