A History of Elmsdale , West, and Brockton , The Pare Bred Begistered Clydesdale Stallion Weighing 1635 lbs, will «t*ai afe ray place daring the season of 1919 Services moderate. All mares at owner's risk. This horse lias been shown four times and won four Brat prizes and one second. See him before breeding. 3 MAcAt8l>AKD BROS., &30,tfw The Island Farmer, May 7,1919 Island Farmer August 22,1917 - It is stated that there will be no harvest excursions by government railways this year either from PEI or Nova Scotia . Authorities being of the opinion that all available farm labor will be needed at home. The Farm Laborers Excursions resumed on August 11 and 18,1919. Pioneer 1919 - George Brookins was buying hides on a regular basis. Michael Doyle of Bloomfield worked for him. Michael travelled the area collecting the hides with a horse and wagon. Mr. Brookins bought cattle, sheep, and horse hides. He also bought lumber. Pioneer 1919 - The year 1919 marks the beginning of shipping potatoes by rail from Elmsdale . Pioneer 1920 - John P. Wallace bought a potato planter, sprayer and digger (harvester) in 1920. October 21,1922 - Co-operative Shipment of Fowl from Elmsdale , Tuesday, October 24th. Elmsdale Farmers' Institute will make another shipment of fowl (old hens) on the above date. Fowl must be crated. Everybody cull their flock and bring all the old hens and poor layers. 800 to 1000 birds wanted. W. A. MacArthur , Secretary. April 25, 1923 Agriculturist - The executive council appointed as a commissioner for taking ac¬ knowledgments to deeds for : Mr. Arthur Rennie , Elmsdale , Patrick F. O'Halloran , Campbellton . Journal- PioneerDecember 17,1983 Flashbacks 60 Years Ago (December 17,1923) - If there ever was any doubt as to the logical as well as geographical center of the Silver Fox Industry that doubt 133