GOIN' TO THE CORNER Farm for Sale at Elmsdale —"■'•''»•' ^Connistiiiip of 75 a«r*» of vera rfeair- #Me and produeti,. K»4"SmSt «ie*. « now and up-toVdat* Fox Ranch 7 room Dwelling- Honw, well ftniahed •Irnost new barn TOV 3? ft•nCS and from, on tkr Dock JJoad % of* SS^JSi^^Jg^fe ** o* hard «S 5K*Sr•**«!*; SB? Parti/pSr: ^^fon,,,r wsy ■*main '•• •»**«« 23 »»2 M s n*vro a. uXnIon; F0TI01 Will tb partita ufa stoleth* j?etM from ly pntftjtef&i Sa W»y njgtt, Sipi m> jklm* return within flvr &?i «f «&i* and settle for &m fc im fiKbr Mi as tin pm*i m Sam. * Bbanfrli. The Island Farmer, Jan. 23, 1929 The Island Farmer, Sept 10, 1930 November 28,1927 Agriculturist Notice Regarding Live Hogs - Live hogs will be loaded at ; precise date will be arranged later. Owners of hogs at Elmsdale will notify the secretary, W.B. McLellan , Alma, how many each will have for shipment. 1928 - Windmills were common on the . They were used to pump water. One of the last to be used for this purpose was on the farm of Alfred and Earl O'Brien. 1928 - Bounty on skunks is $1.00. February 20,1929 Island Farmer- For sale by S.R. Burke , 220 acres of land with fine residence, barn and outbuildings. Water rights and mill, grist and saw, with plenty of water at all times, also 96 acres on the Well's O'Brien Road close to RR station. Apply to E.W. Johnson , Elmsdale , PEI or to S.R. Burke , The Dairying and Cold Storage Limited routes include hauling of Cream on the ; commencing at the junction of Trainor and Dock Roads, Piusville , etc. April 1931 - Fraser Rix filled in for Alfred Gillis driving the milk wagon in Alberton . 1933 - In 1933 the Cold Storage Plant in O'Leary was still buying eggs in Elmsdale . 136