GOIN' TO THE CORNER Letters to the Editor OBJECTS TO ARTICLE Alma , P.E.I. , Sspt. 10, 19*4. Mr. Editor ,— Desr Sir: I rvad in ytmr issue of September 7th, with something Ilka * feel inn of dismast, an article frnm J. J. Hu «hcs, on thai much discussed limitation known at th« P.E .1. Pot*. to Grower*' Association. To my mind, t:ie *\KJ, Potato Ciwwi* Association is a vnry use¬ ful institution for. the fsrmtr* of Prim* . Xf it should happen that there are any bu*lnes* men or Senators on Prince Edward Hand that do not want it, kindly ask thorn to leave us alone. We have the right to market potatoes or any other commodity that we have to •ell, in the same degree that we have the ri*fct to produce them. Some of its can stilt remember when there were price spreads en pa* tatee* of as mash as 20 cents a bush¬ el between stations eight to ten miles apart. Can Mr. Hughes fig- are out how much this method! lost the farmers of Prince Edward Is ¬ land ? But nevertheless, things are changing, and one of the mo** not- ante changes is the loss of influence that politicians of the "old school" have on the, people of today. Unman nature evidently dees not change, and today the same as years ■So, the world crtociftea it* Saviour. If yon have a personal quarrel to settle with & W. Boulter , please rljrht it out among yourselves, but do not try to destroy the PJ£ X Pots * to Grswers* Association, or the gov¬ ernment that should nee fit to be¬ friend us farmers. Our organisation is the only friend that the farmers of prince Edward Island have, even though, as Mr. Hughes states, they have made some mistakes. Yours truly, W. B. McLeftea . The Island Farmer, Sept. 19, 1934 Blanche Bowness Coll. James D. Johnston , with his horse, Laddie 1935 - Whitten and McDougall, egg merchants, were buying eggs in the Elmsdale area. 1936 - Frank Platts was selling Hexite Fox Ration and Cubes in the Elmsdale area. October 1936 - Fire destroys barns of Emerson Currie . Cause of fire, backfiring of engine while threshing grain. 1939 - In 1939 there were 2,824,340 horses on PEL 1941 - Basil MacNeill has Yorkshire sows for sale. 1941 - Tea. Grounds will be lighted at night. October 1942 Agriculturist- Canadian soldiers pitch in to help with harvest. British Farmers harvest a record crop in 1942. 1943 Agriculturist - Meat rationing came into effect on May 27, 1943. 138