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March 6, 1947 Piusville Notes - The Farana Cleaning Mill is about ready to open. Farmers of this vicinity are asked to cooperate in this business by getting their grain cleaned early.

September 22, 1947 Summerside Journal there appeared an article on the growing of watermelons on PEI:

Watermelons have also been grown in this community by Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Currie. They were planted from seed in ‘June and although not as large as the specimen mentioned in the article they do not lack anything in colour and flavour and are just as luscious and tasty as the imported watermelons

and can be attested to by your correspondent.

October 1947 Summerside Journal Mr. Basil MacNeill has begun construction of a potato ware- house.

October 24, 1947 - Two of the new potato picking machines have come to Elmsdale. The employers are James O’Brien and Charles Dunn and Sons. In both cases they worked splendidly and are a great

boon when help is scarce.

November 20, 1947 Summerside Journal 1 Basil MacNeill has completed construction of a potato warehouse which will be of much benefit to the potato industry.

December 1947 Elmer Adams and Earl Wallace have gone to the mainland for work.

February 9, 1948 - Mr. John W. Adams has begun to harvest his ice supply for the coming summer months. '

Olive MacNeillColl. H ' .. ' ' Aileen Leard Coll.

Olive Matthews on hay wagon Mildred Wallace (1) and Thelma Wells cuttingpotato sets