Loyal Orange Lodge, Elms- dale, side View, September 3, 1945
Left to Right: Catherine Smith, Annie Barnett, Florence Adams, and Florence’s
daughter, Barbara
1 Florence Adams Coll.
Loyal Orange Lodge, facing Western Road
1 Betty Renme Coll.
In April 1946 the Loyal Orange Lodge building was sold to Arthur Rennie to be used as a store, thus also doing away with the Elmsdale Hall. For thetnext 30 years people got together for meetings, tea parties, plays and other activities at the Elmsdale School
Senior Room.
The Elmsdale Community Centre In 1976 the Elmsdale School became a hall for meetings, dances, benefits, card
parties (rook, bridge, auction) and the 4-H Club. The minutes of the Elmsdale Wom- en ’s Institute stated: “These ladies showed a great interest in obtaining the school,
when consolidation was discussed in 1971.”