GOIN' TO THE CORNER i ELMSDALKYOl XG 1 phopi ,e* wm-ikty present page am Th« Elt]tti*le\T«»i«^c' Pe*f*le** So¬ ciety pxv*mt*$ tht f*»ff*aiit *t*iil A*oa Know Je*u$C to a tullr dbtutrh ?n Wednesday evening the'Slit' Th* following Hi * U»Uof lilt ca**t« all of whom took their patt'ih'a emiitabt* manner; . 0k>tty*MU#ft .j*"; Greek-■ Mer¬ chant, Le4ie Hardy; Mary,* the Mo¬ ther, Ruth MaeXelU ; Jofctt. the Afio^ tie, Alim J, MacI ^fManv Martha t*fwi Laiaru*. Ethel Adams ; Reelytt Arthur and «[tirton Stewtttt; Rachel, a Ifule prirl whoat lew* had hie***!. Olive Bartly ; Ren Ahum, a~Snniaiitan Merchant, Kenneth MaeArt hur; M* iam, Jail uV daughter, Grace Carrie ; David, the little boy who gave th* tfve leave*. George CairW Johaaatt Ben tddo, tjNr.Hch young pilW^ John Mut ¬ iny ; Alary Magdalene, Vem %VUllamM The Spirit of Judats Max Cameron ; £**«*,, the. ttaei^/lrvinir, Hardy; {tail. Heber Hardy . There wist* al*f< t& following .peviat hytrirt*, »W* Wwti Sro jf*»u* " HgbArthur Rejtnie and Mi** Cameroni *6 bw That Will N»Vf* IKWP-hr Hamilton Hoiut- and Ma* Cameron; H Thtnfc When I Bead flpt Sweet Story at *idk* by Carta Home* and Ekired Harityi^Awi^ )» a: Ilintien'* Mary Wtlba . MacLeod. Thhi pageant wat accompanied hy BibiUcnl lantern *lide#. Mw< Mr, Biker, of 0'Leaiy ktodHtor n*»i*tiw>»»>i»wwiii>ifflT-- tlatrift and Oiiardii^ pien*e. eornrJ Summer side Journal, June 28,1933 the 1st. The chairman was Rev. W.I. MacDonald . Messrs. Leonard Barnett , Cleve Hardy and Earl Currie entertained the members. The organist was Hazel Cameron . On December 25,1947 the Young People 's Union held a Christmas service in the church with Gerald Hardy in charge. Christmas carols were sung. There was a story by Phyllis Williams ; The Origin of Si¬ lent Night was read by Nadine Hardy; also a read¬ ing by Vera Williams . Mr. Lucky Home read the scripture. We have no records from 1948 to 1965 but meetings were still held. From the annual re¬ port in 1966 the Hi-C Group or Young People 's Union included the congregations of Montrose , Elmsdale , Cascumpec and Alberton . Barry Pridham and Martha Campbell were co-presidents. Projects included decorating the churches at Thanksgiving, conducting a service of lessons and Christmas car¬ ols at the different churches and at ¬ tal. From 1967 to 1972 the Young People were meet¬ ing at the church hall, studies were on "Your Chris¬ tian Vocation," the need for a consolidated regional high school, the Drug Problem, a study on Micmac Indians of PEI , "Reconciliation in a Broken World," and Science and Religion. Recreation consisted of a wiener roast, a corn boil, and skating parties. The group went to a Mission Festival in Summerside and to a concert presented in Charlottetown by a Youth Folk Choir from London, Ontario . The group 192