A History of Elmsdale, Elmsdale West, and Brockton, Prince Edward Island
also visited Lennox Island for a tour of the reservation as guests of the Young People there, assisted by Sister Christina Doyle. On Thanksgiving Day the Young People entertained the Lennox Island group in Alberton. Projects included lobster suppers, a car wash and the sale of calendars. Donations were given to Camp AbegWeit, the Mission and Service Fund, the Sheltered Workshop, Western Hospital Medical Serv-
ices Fund, Help—a-Neighbour Project and a contribution towards the purchase of a film projector for the charge.
Between 1973 and 1979 fhe Young People met at the church hall. In the summer of 1974 David Allan, Student Assistant, was the leader. They had Bible study, learned new songs, had a study on “Godspell”, a rock musical based on the Gospel of Mat- thew, and went to two movies, “American Graffiti” and “A Time to Run”. The
group studied other Biblical and social topics. Donations were given to the Leprosy Foundation and the group sponsored a foster child. They went on a retreat weekend to ACTC, bowled at the Alberton Social Centre, had a coasting party, and went to
Camp Abegweit for a weekend. To raise funds they held a bike-a-thon, a supper and a wake-a—thon.
Between 1980 and 1983 meetings were held weekly, one week in Alberton and one
week in O’Leary. The Young People’s Union went to Summerside to see the movie
“Jesus,” had a youth rally at Kensington, a camping trip at Cavendish, a rally at
Camp Abegweit, went to see the play “Miracle Worker” at Westisle Theatre, went to Summerside to see the film “Joni”, and went to Kensington tomeet the moderator
0f the United Church. For recreation they held fun nights at Westisle gym, Hallow— €€n and Christmas parties, bowling and a volleyball tournament. Fund raising con— sisted of a ski-a-thon, slave days, sale of chocolate bars and a bottle blitz. Donations Were given to a foster child and to the group “For the Hungry.”
From 1984 to 1988 meetings at Alberton were held once a week. Donations were made to the Ethiopian Relief Fund and a foster child. Discussions were presented on Various topics including: death, suicide, rock music, friendship, dating, and Bible StUdy. The members joined with the Junior Choir in singing “Tears Are Not Enough”