A History of Elmsdale, Elmsdale West, and Brockton, Prince Edward Island

The ministers of this newly formed church were:

1919-1923 Rev. J .W. 'lhrpel

1923-1924 Rev. Joseph Richardson was born in Minnesotain 1870. He

moved early in life to Uxbridge,

Mass., and started preaching at age 19 in Methodist churches. He then trans- ferred to the Church of the Nazarene and served churches in New York, Elean°rYe°C°1L New Jersey, Maine, Ontario, Nova ReV- and MrS-J'WamerTurPd

Scotia and Elmsdale, PEI. Pastor

Richardson died June 14, 1953.

1924-1926 Rev. Lawrence Feree was nicknamed the “Sweet Singer of Israel.” When he left Elmsdale he went to Africa where he was a missionary from 1926 until 1941. He then left the missionary work but continued to live in Africa.

1926-1927 Rev. George Henderson ‘9 1927 -1929 Rev. Stanley Dixon had two sons, George and Stanley Jr. George and his Wife Charlotte came several times to Elmsdale as evangelists.

1929-1932 Rev. Archibald “Archie” Stanford was born in Placentia Bay, N fld., the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stanford. Before he became a minister he was a fisherman in summer and a lumberman in winter. He married Gertrude Myers of Cole Harbour, NS. They had nine children: Rev. Roland, Beulah, Kay, Irving, Frfitderick, Trudy, Irva, Warner, and Vera. Trudy and Irva were born in Elmsdale, PEI. Beulah, Kay and Trudy paSsed away prior to 2006. In 1967 Beulah was a medi— Cal research librarian in New York City, Kay was married to Rev. Thomas Harman,