former Mt. Pleasant Airport, which was being demolished at that time. The Alberton Church of the Nazarene was also sold at this time. The manse was located on the Butcher Road where Erskine and Shirley Matthews now live.

1947-1950 Rev. Andrew Cone of Newton, Mass., and his wife Louise Stewart of Wakefield, Mass, were mar- MarionPridhamColl. 1‘in in 1937 in BI‘OthOH,

Second Elmsdale Church of the Nazarene, built in 1947 MaSS- HIS fiI‘St ChllI'Ch W33 the Elmsdale Church of the

Nazarene. Pastor Cone and his wife had four children:

Virginia, David, Nancy and Marilyn. Marilyn was born in Western Hospital, Alberton. From Elmsdale, Pastor Cone served congregations in

Middleton, NS (where he

preached the first sermon and began the church, then re- turned in 2003 to preach the final service in that building as they began to build a neW sm‘eyMaCKaycm church) ;- Nashua, NH;

Rev. Andrew and Louise (Stewart) Cone Gardiner, Maine; Willough'

