A History of Elmsdale, Elmsdale West, and Brockton, Prince Edward Island
new ManeOBnen Coll. Zeno and Marie O’Briéfi Coll.
Sister Mary Philomene (Mary Gertrude Antoinette O’Brien) Sister Agnes Mary (Rita Mary Frances O’Brien)
Mary Monica “Necie” O’Brien was born August 20, 1887 on the Dock Road, Elmsdale, daughter of Michael and Johanna (Donahue) O’Brien. Necie attended O’Brien Road School for her early education. On December 24, 1908 at the age of 21 she entered the Sisters of Saint Joseph, St. Paul, Minnesota, and made her final VOWs on August 15, 1916, taking the name Sr. Mary Zoe, CSJ. Sr. Zoe spent her 933’8 working in the kitchen as amok in many of the different houses of the Sisters In Minnesota, Minneapolis, Washington, and lastly at Bethany Convent, St. Paul. Sr.
Zoe died January 23, 1959 at age 71 in Bethany and is buried in Resurrection Cem— fiery, St. Paul, Minnesota. ' 1
Rita Mary Frances O’Brien was born September 17, 1922 in Wellington, the daugh- ter of Herbert and Mary (Gavin) O’Brien. Rita attended O’Brien Road School for a
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