A History of Elmsdale , West, and Brockton , Postmark from Elmsdale Post Office in 1878 Right- Postmark from Brockton Post Office in 1892 Doug Murray Collection to be dispatched from this office to the following places, closing at the hours on the days named. Mondays and Thursdays at 3 Vi o'clock p.m., St. Eleanor's, Miscouche , Lot 16 , Wellington, Lot 14, Porthill , Lot 12, Lot 7, Lot 6 , Gascumpec ( Alberton ), Bridge, Kildare , Little Tignish , Tignish , West Cape , Campbellton , Lot 4. Thursday at 3 Vi o'clock p.m. Mount Pleasant , Lot , Miminegash . All letters must be prepaid to insure their transmission in the above mails, otherwise they will be sent to the General Post Office, Charlottetown . Newspapers sent free. Mails for New Brunswick, Canada , and the United States closed on Tuesday and Friday evenings at 8 o'clock p.m. Office closed precisely at 8 o'clock p.m., after which time these letters must be deposited in the letter box at the door. Thomas Crabb , Postmaster, Summerside , August 9,1867. In Elmsdale the post office opened on January 1, 1878 with Louis Rennie beĀ¬ ing the first postmaster from July 1,1878 to July 1, 1882. The post office was in his store. James Sinclair was appointed postmaster on October 1, 1882. He was there until the end of October 1888. A list of the postmasters and postmistresses is as follows: Jim McCarthy Coll. Brockton Post Office, located in John McCarthy 's house. McCarthy also operated a small store in the house. 257