A History of Elmsdale, Elmsdale West, and Brockton, Prince Edward Island
_ Sealed Tenders. addressed to the Postmaster General will be received "at Ottawa. until neon. on Friday. the 9th 1133,1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty a Mails. en a. proposed eontruet fer four years. six times per week over Rural Mail Route He. '1. from 31111338101 P111168 Edward The former James Hardy house from the Foy Road, hauled to
Ialwdrl‘t 1118 9168331“ 3f the P08? Elmsdale by Daniel Adams when his first house and post office 11188181“ 6011618. P11111013 110136098 burned. The post office was in a porch similar to the one now on it 0011181111118 {21.111881 IBIOMRSIQII 88 in 2006. It is currently the home of Thane and Stephanie Arsenault. to conditional of remand cemmt any I. men 31169 blunt, farms of
tender may be chained at the In the diary of Basil MacNeill it stated: “De-
mt“ (33:13:; 33:1 :fi'figgidf cember 11, 1912 — Charlie Dunn was getting
the Post. 0310. Impact): subscribers for the mail boxes. They are get-
’01:: 06100 In ' r I 06.109, ting a mail route on Dock Avenue.” C 11 tam. Much 25Sh.1913u
JOHN 1' WHEAR' In April of 1913 rural route service began in Past Often In . - Elmsdale — six days a week — under a four- year contract.
Lillian Adams Coll.
Agriculturist, April 12, 1913
In an interview with Vernon Hardy, he recalled:
While Daniel Adams ran the post office 1n his house from 1916 to 1932, his sons Ralph and Lloyd got the mail as it came off the train. They took it to the post office and it was sorted right then. It didn’t matter if 1t was nine 0 c’lock, or twelve o’clock at night. They would meet the train again at 7: 30 1n the morning when it was returning from Tignish en route to Charlottetown with the mail. A letter mailed in the morning would reach its destination that afternoon. The man on the train sorted the mail into