A History of Elmsdale , West, and Brockton , Tenders Tenders will be received until September Hth for contract of const meting a two-room school house, and foundation in Elmsdale . Plans and spec- ifications for name at Secre¬ taries hom«». Everett Matthews Kttrn *tary Pioneer , September 5,1950 side for the boys and the other side for the girls. Each was a two-holer. Another memory tells of a day in the early 1940s when William Wallace was the teacher and someone got a chicken from next door at the home of John Adams and put it on top of the map case, and when Mr. Wallace discovered the chicken he made the students take it out. While reaching for his rod behind the case, a vase filled with pieces of coloured papers fell over Mr. Wallace 's head. Needless to say, that put him in poor humour, but the students thought the incident was very comical. Other memories were of playing in the schoolyard at recess. When the freight train passed, the engineers Ernie Deighan and Freddie McKinnon would blow the whistle and let off the steam. A lot of ball was played at recess and dinner hour as well and in winter the children would skate and play Elmsdale School H aif.Year Report Grade X— Clayton Wallace . Grade IX—Cordon Matthews; % Douglas Wallace;; 8, Sybil JU *. €ra& vnt—1, Ethel Williams ; 2f Erma Hardy ; 3, Anna Adams . Grade VH-1. Velda Matthews ; % Wanda Barnett ; 3, Ernest Ad * ams. Grade VI—tt Ami* Williams; % harm Carrie; 3, George Sheen . Grade V—lt Ernest Hfa §; % ivdy Malt hews; 3, Carl Adams * Grade IV—1, Dianne Campbell; % Gail Adams; 3* Eleanor M« ami* Gr*de HI—I, Eleanor Inman ; % Linda QMifhlia ; 3« Weadell Currie. Grade II—!* Lola Hardy ; . % Lloydia Adams; 3, BiVid Camp- tell. Grade t (A)— 1, Ear! Mat- thewi. Grade I — 1, Venia Rix ; % Urna $ardy; 0f Kaymond Caigllili^ Grate 9 — 1* Donald Camp- hall; % Garry ShMda; t, Jawtl Wells. Perfect Attendant, far the ytar:— Ernest Rln » Wayne* ll*t Lloydia Adamsf Wendell Currie , Highest average in the Juior grades: — Efawm Inn*an, #©.4 per cent Teachers: Wttt» Waflac* and lamia Currie, Journal- Pioneer , February 5,1954 285