Olive MacNeill Coll. Elmsdale School (rear view) hockey. The children who lived near the school would go home for lunch but other children who would at times be driven to and from school by horse and sleigh would take their lunch. In the springtime the children liked to put their bottles of milk in the spring over by Alexander Cameron 's to keep them cold. In the fall the students had two weeks off to help with the potato harvest. School closings and Christmas conĀ¬ certs were the big events for the year and were well planned by the teachers and students. These events were always held in the Orange Hall with a packed house. The Christmas concert always had a special guest, Santa Claus, who handed out presents. The Women's Institute always bought treats for the children. This school closed its doors for good in the spring of 1951 and the school was sold by auction, first to Heber Hardy , and later to John Adams to store his potatoes.