A History of Elmsdale , West, and Brockton , The Teachers' Study Club - In the fall of 1939 the Provincial DepartĀ¬ ment of Education asked local teachers to form study clubs so that new teaching methods could be learned and teachers could exchange successful teaching tips. The Summer side Journal October 29, 1939 recorded the first meeting of the Elmsdale group: A teachers' study group was held in Elmsdale School on Friday afternoon, Oct. 20th. Those present were Alan McLeod , James Currie , Cedric Crockett , Urban McKinnon , Blanche Rennie , Leila Profitt , and Leone Mosher . Alan McLeod acted as chairman. The election of officers was carried out, with the result of Alan McLeod being chosen as president, James Currie , vice-president and Blanche Rennie , secretary. After this business an interesting discussion on the teaching of history was conducted. Following this discussion, a paper was read by Alan McLeod . The next meeting will be held on Nov. 17th. The subject will be "Teaching of Language." From 1939 until 1955 monthly meetings of this group were held in Elmsdale School. Other teachers who were members of the group while they taught in the Elmsdale area were: Marion Hardy , Rae Donald , Lois O' Brien , , Beatrice Clark , Norman Hardy , William Wallace , Jean Wallace , Vera Rennie , Pearl Craig , Olive Hardy , Rita Shea , Mabel O' Brien , Blanche Gordon , Kathleen Rix , Mildred Dunbar , Doris Forbes , Ruby Thompson , Marion McLellan , Kathleen Williams , Benny Barbour, Roberta Adams , Alfreda Kelly , Rita Kelly , Margaret McKenna , Bertha Bowness , Thurza Morrison and Merritt Callaghan . For many years William Wallace was president and James Currie was secretary. The topics covered by this group were very varied and included: The Aims of Nature Study; The Value of Nature Stories; Physical Education; The "Project Method"; How to Study Through Proper Assignment; Teaching Problems; The Proper ProceĀ¬ dure in Conducting Grade 8 Exams; Sanitation; School Property Improvement in Conjunction with Government Assistance; The Use of Helpful Games; Books, A Sand Table and Globe; Grading and Promotion; Standardized Tests; Reports; School Closings; Why Students Fail Entrance Exams; The Course of Studies; and Proposed Changes in the Curriculum. 295