U'Bxiee Reed Schm1.held its! timing: exercises on Thursday eweim: Dec 20th in the scheme}
The interior of the building wee suitably decorated fer th , 1 hristmns season with a well dream-ted tree laden with gifts for teeeher, chiidree. friends and reietiree.
The pregremme shower! great preparation and training on the part at“ A the 11111111111, Mrs. Gerald O’Sriee and the pup- 21:51
Mr. Alton. Hardy wee chair- men for the. 1 fellewieg pro- grew-em
Chores, Christmee Time Best . Came Ageing Opening by Shel- den Hendereee; We1eezee by Levere Henderson; dialegue, The Mei! Order 113i; Contagious by Dereee fiendersee; Unfair Tu Kiderhy Greee Brennan; “Qeer-n tette” Where 90 Yet: We Seen» ta Claus; An Wpleeetimx 11y Levere Henderson; 1111111113119, “fizeappmated 1131111111"; Sure prises 11y Reggie Merrey.
Intermreeien and side 1.1: fudge em! eemetmee by Meesre. Afton .Rerdy rmheet and Gereid 0’ 31111111 guitariet. .
A. duet "by Gerald end, Alton; Cafe! Singing, Groups: ef girle roetemed 31; 1111151211: white and red geweed eereliers. A 81:11:11!) Idem by Jean Barnett and 111:1» ere Heefiereee, Brewing- the Line by Neweli Heedereee. die- 11111111, The Perty Line; T112511” Quarters by Willie-m Murray: Pageant Manger scene with 'eeeteeaed angles, In Brief by Lenten ‘Heetiersee; chews, Santa
Jelly 1111: St“. Kirk then were!“ ed with treats and gifte for" everyone.
3 D 1 3 It I
Alberton Museum Coll.
O’Bn’en Road School, June 30, 1937
"rte-O‘H- orn. o-~-~--v 4...... _ 0‘“.
I,"P.~'~ wufi-cnrlrsa a.»g.qs‘w-9‘.. ‘
Journal-Pioneer, January 11, 1957
Alton Hardy Coll. This was the first and only concert held in the O’Brien Road School
Elmsdale West School, 1957
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