A History of Elmsdale , West, and Brockton , Here is a list of the members of the Brockton Women's Institute in 1930: Mrs. Wm . Coughlin Miss Verna McArthur , Mrs. Alvina Gallant Miss Margaret McCarthy Mrs. Dan Gallant Mrs. Eugene McCarthy Mrs. Elmer Griffin Mrs. Leo Mclnnis Mrs. Joseph Griffin Mrs. Justin McKenna Mrs. Thomas Griffin Miss Lucina O'Halloran Miss Bessie McArthur Mrs. Arnold O'Halloran Miss Birdie McArthur and Miss Mildred Dunbar joined the Institute in 1931, and Mrs. George McArthur and Mrs. Jake Hardy in 1932. At the November 23, 1933 meeting, as not enough members were attending meetĀ¬ ings, it was decided not to meet for a while. In December 1934 meetings began again with the December meeting held at the home of Mrs. Eugene McCarthy with eight members and a large number of visitors present. The School Committee reĀ¬ ported glass was needed for the school windows. Officers for the next year were appointed: President: Mrs. John Finnan , Vice-president: Mrs. Elmer Griffin Secretary - Treasurer : Miss Beatrice O' Brien Auditors: Miss Anna O'Halloran and Mrs. Thomas Griffin Directors: Mrs. Elmer Griffin and Miss Margaret McCarthy . On October 29, 1934 a very successful goose supper under the auspices of the Brockton Women's Institute was held at the home of Mr. Frank O'Halloran . A large crowd assembled to partake of the food prepared by the ladies of Brockton , who were so skilled in the culinary arts. 317