A History of Elmsdale , West, and Brockton , Prince Edward Island taught Alton Williams the egg candling business. On June 5, 1950 a joint ad ap¬ peared in the Summerside Journal stating that: "Commencing June 7, the stores, warehouses and egg grading stations of J.D. Johnston and K.R. Matthews will be closed on Wednesday afternoons. Also closed at 5:30 weekdays except Saturday until further notice." Employees at Ken's store included: (who later became his second wife), Robert Maclnnis , Agnes Williams , Rita Kinch , Priscilla Gavin , Doris Griffin , Merrill Dunn , Shirley Adams and Doreen Home. After the store was moved, Ken converted the second floor into his home and built a stairs on the outside of the building for an entrance. From the Journal- Pioneer March 15,1954: " K.R. Matthews is making extensive repairs to his store. The work is being done by Mr. J. Perry of Peterville assisted by Mr. Stewart Mclnnis ." In April 1956 Ken sold his feed business to Randall Boates of O'Leary . From an ad in the Journal- Pioneer September 6, 1957 Ken Matthews let the public know that his business had been sold to Ralph Rennie and Orrin Wallace , and it would operate under the name of Rennie and Wallace. Rennie and Wallace started out in the store business September 9,1957 and had a change of ownership sale. They also changed the name to Rennie and Wallace Clo¬ ver Farm Store. Clerks at the store were Shirley (Adams) MacKay, Allan Wallace and Lillian Matthews . Betty Rennie did the books and Orrin handled the egg grad¬ ing. On January 31,1961 the store and egg grading station were sold to Betty Rennie , Jeanetta Ogden and Allan Wallace . NOTICE I have ^old my business at Elmsdale to Messrs. Rennie and Wallace. For them I solicit the patronage I have en toyed for the past eleven years. I wish to express my deepest appreciation for the support given me by my many customers through the years that I have done business here. K. 5043—s9 R. MATTHEWS , Elmsdale * Journal- Pioneer , September 9,1957 369