Joe and Sandra O’Meara C011. I I Journaler-Pione, October 2, 18’
Jean’s Take-Out, later Joanne’s and Sanjo’s, with Vera MacNeill’s home on the right
In 1987 Jean sold her business to Wendell and Leona Dunbar, and they continued to operate under the name of Jean’s Take-out. For the next four years Leona ran the canteen with the assistance of the following people: Connie McRae, Helen Hardy,
Darlene Rennie, Debbie O’Brien, Paula McNeill, Stella Gaudet, Tammy Collicutt, Gail Ellsworth, Joanne Gallant, Cindy Kelly, Alice Collicutt, Connie Hardy, Karen McKenna, Sherri Avery, Joney Wallace, Jennifer Dunbar, Lee Ann Rayner, Peggy Adams, Dawn Rennie, Geraldine Milligan, Noreen Fraser, Kelly Murphy and Gail Dunbar. On August 30, 1991 Jean’s Take-out was sold to Joanne Gallant.
J oanne’s Pizza and Take-out - When Joanne Gallant bought “Jean’s Take—out” she changed the name to “J oanne’s Pizza and Take-out”. During the time J Oanne was in business she employed the following people: Sherri Avery, Karen McKenna, Tracy Richards, Judy, Tammy, Tanya, Beverley and Arlene Gallant, and Tracy McNeill. On April 2, 1993 Joanne sold the take-out to Kelly and Chris Murphy and they continued to operate under “J oanne’s Pizza and Take-out”. Their employees were: J udyGallant, Tracy Gaudet, Elaine Waite and Tammy Gallant. On September 19, 1993 Kelly and Chris sold the canteen to Sandra O’Meara.
Sanjo’s - Sandra O’Meara, after buying “J oanne’s Pizza and Take-out” changed the name to “Sanjo’s”. Sandra employed: Judy Gallant, Sherri Avery, Mary Larter and