A History of Elmsdale , West, and Brockton , Prince Edward Island can and Canadian satellite TVs and dishes. It is a full-time business operating Is¬ land-wide. McKenna's System - This company was established by Eric McKenna in 1986 as a part-time business. When Eric retired in 2001 it became a full-time business. He now sells and installs systems. BUSINESSES - THOSE WHO BUILT OR MADE MILLS The Huntley Creek twists its way through Elmsdale beginning behind what is now Vernon Hardy's property on the . Early settlers searched out the best Six-Gun Satellite Bloomfieid PE COB1EO Leigh MoKeima Tel: 902*853*4122 Cell; 902«853*7736 Courtesy Jan Cox and Graphic, 2005 Six-Gun Satellite LC Lillian Adams Coll. McKenna's System Let's Make A Deal! Complete FTA Satellite System '149 Includes Recetver-Dish-Remote Six Gun Satellite jjg™