GOIN' TO THE CORNER Notice . THE undersigned wishoa to intimate, to the peopi« rf Hi. o ntield and adjacent districts thai, ha ha* taken :h« •hop formerly occupied l>y DooaJd McNeill, at Gavin's Cross, whero he is prepared t«» d«» work in his line at the short* at notice.- and ninny style which will suit tin ae who may patronize him. General Satisfaction Guaranteed. II. A. SA UNDP IIS. Kloomtield, Sept. (}f '88 - rf Journal, September 6, 18 Margaret Adams Coll. Jim Adams , blacksmith Joyce Hardy Coll. George and Jim Adams's blacksmith shop, 1948 BLACKSMITH'S CONVENTION A general meeting of the Black¬ smith's of will be held at Summereide on Wednesday, Nov. 8th, 2.90 p. m. The meeting will take p.ece in McNeills Carriage Building . A epecial train will leave Tigniah at 6 46 am. and will lee»e Summereide od return at 6.30 pm. Lowest return fare* will be in effect on thie train. Reduced fares will also be In effect on the regular trains front Charlotte- town and Gaps Traverse. IWniksmiths from all part* of are in riled to a F MeKUUU Agriculturist , November 4,1916 402 __