A History of Elmsdale, Elmsdale West, and Brockton, Prince Edward Island


Ladies’ Orange Benevolent Association of British America (LOBA) met once a month at the Loyal Orange Lodge Hall. Members were: Ella Williams, Ola

Williams, Margaret Stewart, Ida Rennie, Annie Horne, Susie Gordon and Susie Yeo. This article appeared in the Agri— culturist January 26, 1939: “The annual meeting of the Elmsdale and Ellerslie

Lodges was held in the Orange Hall at Elmsdale. After the usual business pro- n e n 0v 0‘ o n t

cedures, a sumptuous goose supper was With“

served by the Elmsdale Ladies Lodge. A very enjoyable social evening V

. LOBA Crest Ladies’ Orange Benevolent Association of Brit- followed. . .best w1shes were exchanged ish America

for the success of each and every meet- ing.99

Courtesy of Jean Wallace. Sketch by Brian McLellan, CET

This is all the information available on the LOBA.

PATRONS OF INDUSTRY The Agriculturist of September 14, 1895 reported the following meeting:

Summerside, PEI September 10th 1895. To Ludlow Hall in the town of Summerside on the 9th inst. about sixty delegates from different subordinate Associations of the Patrons of Industry in Prince County assembled for the purpose of organizing a County Association of PEI.

Representative farmers from Montrose to Freetown were present and gave encouraging reports of the prospects of Patriotism. The election of County officers resulted as follows:

Co. President, James S. MacNeill, Elmsdale

Co. Vice-President, Nelson Howatt, St. Eleanor’s

Co. Secretary, Jesse A. Wright, North Bedeque

Co. Treasurer, Wm. Saunders, Bloomfield