' ' Glendon and Elaine MacKendrick Coll. Alberton Museum Coll.

James MacKendrick, Co-Auditor, Patrons of Industry Certificate of Membership Patrons of Industry

Co. Sentinel, H.B. Huestis, O’Leary Co. Auditors, D.C. Ramsay, Port Hill, I as. MacKendrick, Campbellton.

Matters of interest to the Patrons of Industry were discussed. . .It was decided to hold the next meeting of the County Association at O’Leary. Besides the delegates, there were present a goodly number of members of our order. The members present and the expressions of determination to stand together as farmers and laborers to guard their interest seems to not only indicate the fact that the order of Patrons of Industry has made rapid growth in this country, but that it has come to stay and the farmers are thoroughly resolved to make it a success, and have their rights respected. Jesse A. Wright, Co. Sec’y.

The only indication found of the presence of the Patrons of Industry Society in Elmsdale was in the Agriculturist August 13, 1896:. “The Patrons of Industry Soci- ety which meets in the Elmsdale Schoolhouse Tuesday evenings is growing at a pace. We learn it is the intention of the Order to have provincial editor Mr. Duncan

Marshall lecture some evening soon.”