The annual meeting of the sup— porters of film Pingwuive movement for the First District of Prince was held in the Elmsdal'e Hall, Tnemlay, July 13th.

The President; A. I). O‘Brien, occu- pied the chair; In his opening to» marks he 'gave. a‘ brief review? at the

Work done by the organization the past year and expressed his measure at such a large attendance, but re- gretted the fact that so many of the fishermen were unable to ntténd.

After the minuges were read and the financial statement submitted and a‘pproved a general discussion took place on the complexity of the pre- sent political situatlon, and the pm. pacts for a Progressive fiandldate in the field.

Among the speakers taking part in the discussion were Jams: moms, Joseph- Dunbar,a.n.n; Murphy, ‘i’lll‘lip ENna, Prospei'ed’eny, RH. Rayner, the Secretary and others.

As the mamas. of opinion at the mating gas very much in favor of contesting, {he country, .3 motion was mule by Philip Evans and wounded by Joseph’ Bauhar that the Pmlilént at the West Prim Ass‘ociaflon call a convention to consider the advisability of ell-operating with the East Prim Animation in. nominating” a man to contest the forthcoming election. I

Island Farmer, July 21, 1926 _, Summerside Journal, June 23, 1930

- va- “.0“ m a». E .

Political Meetings will be held at the following

places. beginning Monday, June 23rd: ELMSDALE—Monday Night, June 23rd. MONTROSE Hall—Tuesday Night, June 24th. FREETOll'NMWednesday Night. June 25th. ELLERSLlE—Thursday .Nighl, June 26th.

BORDEN Hall—Friday Night, June 27th. All Meetings will open at 8 o’clock. and will he addressed, by A. E. MaeLean, Liberal Candidate and other weakens. Adjoining Fell» in the fillers-m districts are asked to send delegates. as organization work will be taken up; at the close of each meeting.

Everybody Wham. ladies are especially invited.

The Conservative Candidate is cordially invited to Ill these meetings and will be given half line. as has been the usual custom heretofore in the riding. ,

expressed his pleasure at such a large attendance at the Elmsdale Hall, but regretted the fact that so many fishermen were unable to attend. Among the speakers taking part in the discussions were James McGrath, Joseph Dunbar, A.E.B. Murphy, Philip Evans, Prosperc Perry, R.H. Rayner, the secretary, W.B. McLellan, and others. The consensus of this meeting was that the president of the West Prince Association call