A History of Elmsdale, Elmsdale West, and Brockton, Prince Edward Island

. . -. In addition to being an authority on horses, Emu MY s We Jim was often called on to administer vet- . 1 > » erinary services. His doctor bag was always

M f _ M. close at hand and many times the family on the homestead would be awakened during

V ’3 July ’1“ the night by a neighbour or friend who

needed Jim’s advice and help. He never re-

“mfg 5. m in W310 fused, as he truly loved not only the horse, Emu-.3... , u, “u“ “.50 - but also the work of a veterinarian. Those

Wilma. . . can . a . .1. who engaged his services would comment,

my“ ‘. ”a H 1 *4? V “You should have been a vet.” Jim would

m w M ””339 get his medication from the druggists in

tsmufim of ”“230. £33. Alberton, Mr. Dyer and Mr. Waugh at that

mm {a 5pamn g 5 C“ time. d (MM "law gm. Flu to ma; than m at

my. go m Jim’s interests were not only in racing and

lag of ma. : ”opp!” .lhm veterinary work, he also traveled the Island 3‘3” “W?“ W ""5 with valuable stallions, helping to assure a

good stock of racing animals were born and bred on the Island. “Colonel Aubrey” was

' _- ' :5 mm ] . one, and to show the value of this animal is 5°" and“ ‘5 ’m* ’3 “a” a quote from the Summerside Journal May ,_ . '33 HARRY O’BRIEN 21’ 1927:

Island Farmer, July 8,1908

J .W. O’Brien, Elmsdale, sold his “Aubreyanna” to a party in Charlottetown the first of the week. The mare is a pacer and attracted considerable attention last fall when she was down there. J .W. handles “good ones” in the horse line and can always be depended upon to “deliver the goods” in this indus—


The names of a few of Jim’s great horses were: “Hi Socks,” (named for the white

legs almost to the knee), “Lee’s Nightmare,” “Jerry’s Nightmare,” “Jean Clegg,” “Just Gary,” “Just Rita,” and “Little Delbert,” which was proving to be another great

but was burned 1n the fire when the Charlottetown Race Barns burned. It IS said the