A History of Elmsdale, Elmsdale West, and Brockton, Prince Edward Island

Clayton and Linda Oliver Coll.

Oliver, Clayton Shane, son of Clayton and Linda (Hardy) Oliver. Enlisted March 1990. Sergeant, Canadian Armed Forces at CFB Winnipeg, then CFB Shiloh, Manitoba. Received with his Battalion a Unit Citation for the Battle of Meduck, Bosnia and was decorated by Gov. Gen. Clarkson in December 2002. Now stationed at Brandon, Manitoba.

Kay Williams Coll.

Williams,Donald MacLean, son of David and Alecia (Stewart) Williams. Enlisted May 2,1955 in the Royal Cana- dian Navy as a first class Petty Officer. Sailed on the Outremont, Bonaventure, NATO Squadron, Cayuga for three tours of duty each from three to six months. Other ships he sailed on were: the Ottawa, Saguenay, Fraser and Skeena. The ships sailed to England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Ger-

many, Norway, Sweden, Spain and the Caribbean Islands. Retired May 2,1980.

The Robert Matthews

home at Elms- dale West

Ralph and Norma Brennan Coll.

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