GOIN' TO THE CORNER teristic whoop as breath is drawn in are the main symptoms of the illness. Be¬ fore the introduction of a vaccine against pertussis in the 1950s, this disease killed more children every year in the USA than all other infectious diseases com¬ bined. Now there are just a handful of deaths each year. Cholera results in profuse watery diarrhea that in severe untreated cases can lead to rapid dehydration and death. Infection is always acquired by swallow¬ ing food or water that has been contami¬ nated with the bacterium. Cholera is treated by replacing the lost fluid with drinks of water containing the correct proportions of various salts and sugar, the patient may be given extra fluids by means of intravenous infusion. Improv¬ ing sanitation worldwide controls chol¬ era. Stanley Arthur had a little son who died from cholera and whooping cough many years ago. Bessie Rix , daughter of Joseph and Lydia Rix, died of chol¬ era in 1930. After the funeral the neigh¬ bours sealed the windows and doors in the Rix home, and burned sulphur in cast iron pots. This fumigated the house. The family moved back into the house the next day. Cancer is the harmful and uncontrolled growth of new cells that tend to spread and destroy healthy cells. A lot of people in the Elmsdale area have died of cancer in the past few years, making it one of the most common causes of death there. Public notice FROM TffE PROViNCfAl HEALTH OFFICER , Ml........ I The following public notice in re¬ spect to the epidemic of iEflueBza no* prevalent Se not intended to emu* uneasiness to the public mind hat only m » necessary measure for con trolling thediaeaee. t ^ Prom tiie publication of thw ootid and until further notice all public schools in the province •ball; be closed. All church services shall bsdiscon tinned ard aD public ^meetjnise and gathering are prohibited. Mer* chants are requested to avoid all crowding in store*. The public are advised not to visit houses where the disease is known to exist except in cane of necessity and the ocennanta of such houses are requested to observe voluntary quar- amine. The Local Boards of Health are also requested to meet «nd toke steps to see that the above regula¬ tions are observed- W S MacMIW AK.MBCM, w Frovindn! Health Otitcei Island Farmer, October 16,1918 572