bushels of potatoes were harvested in Brockton and vicinity and it is gratifying to know the price per bushelpromises a good return for the year’s work.
Summerside Journal March 1953 - Lester and Heber Profit and Mr. McLean Horne are having their herds inspected by AT. Chaisson, Malpeque, ROP, milk inspector.
S ummerside Journal April 1953 - James Johnston attended an egg-candling course.
SummerSide Journal May 1953 - John Adams bought a two-row potato planter and a fertilizer sower, which should alleviate the work of planting potatoes.
Journal-Pioneer December 24, 1954 - Mrs. Emerson Currie’s nephew, Mr. J .E. Sinclair, died in Lawrence, Mass. He drowned when the plane he was a passenger in went down, grandson of James Sinclair, well—known schoolteacher.
Journal-Pioneer June 19, 1958 - Farewell party at Brockton at home of Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McCarthy for Mrs. John Finnan, who is leaving the district. Address
by'Mrs. Bennett Howard.
Summerside Journal November 5, 1958 — Halloween Vignette — Halloween in village of Elmsdale was quiet this year our spies report, but somehow or ever this 1921 Model T. found itself parked in front of a church next morning. It is presumed witches and goblins were driving it the night before, but the young motorist at the ‘ wheel is Raymond Coughlin, accompanied by a few of his buddies. The vintage auto is owned by Robert Campbell of Elmsdale, who says he hasn’t driven it in two years, so it must have been the work of witches. Mr. Campbell reports when he last operated the “Tin Lizzie” it was working like a charm and was a real “doozer” for
saving gas.
Summerside Journal November 6, 1958 — November 13, 1918 among thirty acts of heroism recognized and rewarded by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, an-