The Lord’s Day Act
is. ?
lawful to set! or offer for sale 61* purchase any
sell tithe; goods or merchandise on Sunday.
' linliiai-ts the conducting of pieasxne .-excereiens 1.7015 hire an Sunday; V i‘fublie netiee is. hereby given that offenders”: against %
Act In Mince Edwmfl Island- wili hemafter be Ween . .
without further warmng. .
Elizabeth Miiaitthews‘Coll.
By Section +1 of the Dominion 10M’eDey Act it iihlzé:
tea or personal propertyt “Resmuim -. may serve male: £11153.ng stores may dispense necessary medicine; Wt neither of these classes of. establishments um}? lass-“felts!
Attention is. also drawn to Section 7 of the Age which
Island Farmer, August 12, 1936
Robert Matthews drinkinga soda pop in front of J .D. Johnston’s store, Elmsdale, shortly ‘ after he enlisted in the R.C.A.F. in June 1951. This is the only known photograph of the storefront of J .D. Johnston’s store which served the community for many years.