A History of Elmsdale, Elmsdale West, and Brockton, Prince Edward Island
and Helen Sentner, Sadie Mary Shama, George and Winnie Sheen, Dorothy Smallman, Christine (Sharbell) Smith, Lila Squarebriggs, Rev. Roland Stanford, Margie Stewart, Roberta Stewart, Margaret Sweet, Lulu Thomson, Dorothy Travers, UPEI Robertson Library, Allan Wallace, Brendan Wallace, Fred Wallace, Jean, Layton, and Margie Wallace, Blanche Warren, Lorraine Warren, David Weale, Wendell and Erma Weeks, Thelma Wells, Velda Wells, West Prince Graphic (Jan Cox and Jean Kenny), Alvin and Goldie Wilkie, Joyce Williams, Kimberley Williams, Shirley Williams, Kevin Wisener, Ralph Woolner and Eleanor Yeo. I
The Elmsdale and Area Historical Society apologizes to anyone Whose name has been inadvertantly omitted from the above list of contributors. The group appreci- ates every person who helped with this project.
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John Douglas Crockett farm house on the Western Road at Elmsdale. It is now the property of Reggie and Frances Wallace.