The Orwell Church was huilt in 1861 hy the Scottish
Preshyterians of the community. Services were conducted in English and in the Gaelic language. During construction, the parishioners supplied all of the material and much of the labour tree of charge. The pews were rented to the highest hidder and cost from 50 cents to 2 dollars for a three month period. The pews were numbered thus the
minister could easily see who was, and who wasn't, in
attendance. When a pump organ was purchased in 1891, some members of the congregation believed that the
instrument would hecome an unnecessary distraction. The adjacent cemetery dates haclz to 1884 and is still used hy members of the Orwell congregation.
Lite In The Community - Early diet consisted 0t potatoes, oatmeal, salt cod, and pickled herring . . . . home remedies: onions were used to clean cuts and dandelions were used to cure coughs . . . . the failure of potato crops in Ireland in 1845—47 hrought many to the Island . . . . it was not until 1888 that Women were extended voting rights and even then it only applied to unmarried women . . . . one had to he siclz in order to legally purchase a hottle of liquor . . . . most at the settlements had a wharf close by for trading goods . . . . one wharf was at Brush Wharf in Orwell Cove . . . . : schooners were later replaced with coastal steamers . . . . the hoat trip from Orwell Cove to Charlottetown tool: ahout two hours and cost 25 cents
The Orwell School offered instruction from grade one to grade ten for students within wallzing distance. On average 20 students attended the school in any one year with most students only staying to complete the first 5 or 6 grades. Those completing grade 10 wrote provincial examinations to he eligible to attend college in Charlottetown. The teacher’s salary was a modest $150 to $400 per year. Some teachers were required to talze part of their payment in cords of firewood it the community was unahle to raise its supplement in cash. School started as late as 9:30 in the morning so that chores at home could he completed hetore going to school. There was a water pump in the school yard which eliminated the
necessity of carrying water from a stream or tarmhouse.